Join a movement of Urban Artists using human made objects as a surface to print.
The process of creating and sharing Urban prints derived from our urban jungle is a total joy. Makes you explore your hood and look at the world totally differently.
We share our creations on a worldwide map for others to enjoy! Potentially travel to the same spot to recreate another Urban Print from the same artifact.
You will never look at manhumanholes the same. Can't wait to be introduced to the design of the covers in your hood! :-)
The Urban Printer's hammer and sickle are a brush and a roller ;-)
In the background you see my Urban Printer Flag! The cloth that you use to clean up the extra paint left by your print is also your flag. Fly it with bride! I clearly have used a lot of orange lately.
In the Urben Print Experiment 14 we successfully created an Urban Print with minimal equipment!
All you really need to create one is paint, an old kitchen sponge, some cloth to print on, couple of paper towls and ziplog bags. Check it out.
Short video of an Urban Printing Experiment #15! It was very windy that day, better switch off the sound.
It doesn't take a lot to create your own, and is endlessly fascinating and fullfilling.
Can't wait to see your own. Please send a link to
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